

HTTPS (short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a combination of HTTP with SSL/TLS. HTTPS thus provides encrypted communication and secure identification of the web server.

Connections using HTTPS are often used for payment transactions, orders, and similar activities where personal or sensitive information is handled on the web. For example, ordering a domain or hosting with us is also handled via HTTPS.

Web browsers know that they can trust HTTPS based on certified authorities (such as Microsoft). These certified authorities are then trusted by the creators of the web browsers. Thus, a user should only trust an HTTPS connection to a site if:

  • the user trusts that the web browser implements HTTPS correctly with certified authorities
  • the user trusts that the CAs will vouch for legitimate sites and their content
  • the website provides a valid certificate, which means it has been signed by a trusted authority
  • the certificate correctly identifies the site
  • the user trusts that the encrypted protocol layer (TLS/SSL) is sufficiently secure

Most web browsers will display an error warning if the site contains an invalid certificate. Modern web browsers also always display HTTPS information in the address bar.

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