
Google Apps

Google Apps is a Google service that provides some Google services on their own domain, editable independently of other services. These are web applications such as Google Docs, Google Drive, Calendar, Gmail, Google Groups, Google Sites and others.

Google Apps exists in several versions:

  • Google Apps (free)
  • Google Apps for Business
  • Google Apps for Schools

While Google offers standard Google Apps for free, Google Apps for Business and Google Apps for Schools are available for a fee. Compared to the free version, however, Google Apps for Schools and Business offers 25GB of email storage per user, collaboration with Microsoft Outlook and Blackberry, advanced security options (SSO, SSL, custom password strength requirements, etc.), and 99.9% availability and 24/7 support.

Historically, the origins of Google Apps lie in February 2006, when Google launched Gmail For Your Domain – an invite-only beta that allowed interested users to run Gmail with 2GB of space on their own domain. In August of that year, Google launched Google Apps For Your Domain, which already included Google Talk, Google Calendar, and Google Page Creator alongside Gmail.

According to Google, over 4 million businesses and over 25 million users use Google Apps.

If you park a domain with us and want to run your email through Google Apps, you can easily set up a DNS template for Google Apps in the Client section with a single click.

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