
Apache HTTP Server

Apache HTTP Server (often abbreviated to Apache) is a web server software. It is the first server software to surpass the one hundred million web sites running on it. Apache was also one of the key elements in the rapid growth of the world wide web. Apache is also used by our Hosting Blueboard.cz.

Apache is maintained and developed by an open community under the auspices of the Apache Software Foundation. Apache typically runs on an operating system that is based on Unix. Apache is one of the most widely used and popular server software – it is estimated that as of March 2012, Apache hosts up to 57 percent of all active websites and up to 65 percent of servers.

Apache offers a wide range of features that were mostly added as compiled modules with extended kernel functionality. These include support for Python, Tcl, PHP, and Perl. Popular authentication modules are then mod_access, mod_auth, mod_digest and mod_auth_digest, the successor to mod_digest.

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