

A blog (abbreviated weblog, formerly also zine) is a personal diary, usually of a thematic nature, which a blogger publishes on the Internet. The main characteristic of a blog is the chronological order of the individual posts (blog posts) so that the most recent texts are always at the top. A typical blog is usually written by one person (the blogger) or a small group of bloggers.

Due to the absence of a traditional journalistic editorial office, most blogs focus on a very specific topic and thus target a clearly defined target group of readers. This stems from the fact that most blogs are done by one person. He/she shares his/her experiences/opinions/insights in this way.

From some ? blogs are separated from other traditional websites by their narrow focus and personality, as well as their interactivity. Comments, messages, chats, interaction with the blogger…

Blogs can be personal diaries, professional texts on a specific activity, commentaries on events, tutorials, they can be photo blogs, video blogs (short for vlog), etc. Some corporate blogs are also popular, where a given company communicates with its customers and potential customers in the form of a blog. An example is our Hosting Blueboard Blog.

Most blogs consist of text posts, which often include pictures or videos, but this is not the rule. Occasionally, even among purely text posts, there may be photos only, for example a photo essay.

Community also plays a big role in blogging. A well-written blog with interesting content will usually find readers, but even so, bloggers on the Internet tend to be communicative and ?social.? It is common to exchange links with other bloggers, comment on each other's blogs, or even guest blogging – a blogger writes an article for someone else's blog. Guest blogging is used to advertise and expand the readership of one's own blog.

The first blog that allowed readers to comment on texts was the community around Open Diary in 1998. LiveJournal, still one of the more popular blogging services today, was launched in 1999. One of the two most popular blogging systems, Blogger, was founded in 1999. It was then bought by Google in 2003, which still owns it today. The pair of most popular blogging systems is then rounded out by WordPress.

Originally, blogs were just frequently updated sections on traditional websites. Over time, the internet has expanded and the tools for publishing have been simplified and improved. Later, those interested in blogging could use simple tools that did not require any expertise, for example HTML.

Nowadays, special desktop blogging software is no longer used – clearly the insertion of text and images into a blog via its web-based administration interface is predominant. Beginners, or undemanding users, can reach for a blogging system that offers hosting – the most popular such system is Google's Blogger.com. On the other hand, more experienced users can choose the popular WordPress, which can be both hosted and run on the user's own hosting. A self-hosted blog then typically offers more options than a blog (or website) that is hosted by Google, for example.

You can also run a blog on our hosting and also via the popular WordPress. We have published instructions on how to install WordPress here.

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